So here we have the February front porch filled with love. Once again I turned the ole black chest on it's end and ripped strips of material, then hung hearts from the strips. They are all attached to the handle of the chest. The
suitcase was 4$ at the D.I., I simply brought her home taped off the silver and spray painted her red. The red chalk board used to be a sliver frame. Then upon the chair is on old vase with rocks at the bottom to way it down. Brown burlap and wooden clothes pins anchor the burlap around the vase. Then I cut hearts from Valentine material, hot glued
ric ~
rac loops at the top and hung them from my twigs (spray painted white). Above the branches is ( you guessed it) burlap again. Hanging on top of that is a red heart, old skeleton keys, and an antique door plate with key hole and knob. You probably recognize my old door
propped against the house, love that door.
xoxoxo, Melanie
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